⁍ The United States and Brazil see potential for a large increase in global use of the biofuel as an outright way to cut carbon emissions.

⁍ Several countries and regions around the world are discussing or setting targets to increase use of biofuels.

⁍ Experts see blending as a particularly wise strategy to cut pollution in emerging economies.

– The US and Brazil, two of the world’s biggest ethanol producers, are hoping to see a huge increase in the use of the biofuel as the world shifts to electric cars, Reuters reports. “There is a lot of hope [to cut emissions] related to electric vehicles, but the current fleet will still be around for a long time,” Brian Healy, director for ethanol market development at the US Grains Council, says. “The quickest way to improve air quality is to blend ethanol to gasoline.” Healy says countries should move faster to implement plans to blend ethanol to gasoline. Several countries and regions around the world are discussing or setting targets to increase use of biofuels such as China, Canada, Britain, India, Mexico, Vietnam, South Africa and Australia. But there have been delays everywhere. Analysts see an unwillingness from some countries to depend on renewable energy sources if they can not produce them, as is the case with China, which postponed its target for a national E10 blending policy. Lara Bacellar, trading manager at Brazil’s Copersucar SA, one of the world’s largest ethanol merchants, says that if all mandates and policies for blending in the world were fulfilled, including the US E15 proposition, demand could jump as much as 12.1 billion liters (12.1 billion gallons) per year. “Those actions would go in the direction to meet the Paris climate agreement, using a product that is efficient to cut emissions and is available,” she says.

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ethanol-outlook-emissions/us-brazil-see-room-for-global-ethanol-growth-before-transition-to-evs-idUSKBN27F2JU